Contact and Fee


7730 Morro Rd., Suite 206. Atascadero, Ca., 93422

Time: Approimately 60 minutes

Fee: $150 for sessions during the week

$180 for couples therapy

$180 for bi-monthly Saturday sessions

Insurance: I am an outside provider for most California based insurance companies. It is important that you first, before making an appointment, check to see what your mental health coverage is. Use my name, Christopher Ceaser and ID# MFC 46816 to find out your expected contribution.

I currently use a superbill to facilitate your reimbursement. How does that work? At the end of every month I will e-mail you a superbill for payments that you then forward to your insurance company electronically. Once received, your insurance company will reimburse you directly. This may sound a bit confusing but you will not be on your own. I will help to facilitate the process if you run into any challenges.